Here we suggest a selection of information resources not only biomedical and useful links for subscribers only to expand access to online resources during the Covid-19 emergency.
COVID19 biomedical Info
- List of resources by the Bibliosan network
- List of resources edited by GIDIF-RBM
- List of resources by the World Health Organization
- COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) by the Allen Institute
- COVID-19: GIS data dashboard
- WHO COVID-19 Database database costantly updated for biomedical information, vaccines, trials and publications
- COVID CONTENTS phic info by the Italian Higher Institute of Health working group for scientific updating
- ICPAL and NEDCC guidelines for desenfecting libraries, materials and books
Information on other resources available to everyone:
- Project MUSE - Ebooks and periodicals made available to everyone
- Perlego - Unlimited and free access for 6 weeks, upon registration, to over 300,000 academic texts, in Italian, English and German
- HeinOnline - Free access to the HeinOnline Academic Core Collection for institutions that do not have active subscriptions. Reference for Italy: Ebsco (
- Il Mulino - Free trial available for Italian universities to access the two platforms RivisteWeb and Darwinbooks. For info please contact
- EDP : Free access of 2018-2020 scientific, technical and humanities journals.
- #SOLIDARIETA`DIGITALE, #IORESTOACASA and SCAFFALE DIGITALE are available on the Turin University web site.
Information on other resources for subscribers only:
- JSTOR - Institutions that already have active subscriptions can extend access to all available collections, including ebooks, but it is necessary to request activation by contacting JSTOR Support
- PROQUEST - Subscribers will automatically have unlimited access to EBook Central
- EBSCO - Access for unlimited simultaneous users for ebooks already purchased by contacting Italy
List of resources edited by OCLC
Lists of resources constantly updated by librarians: