Vedi il Regolamento in italiano
- Introduction
- ARTICLE 1 - Terms for Membership to NILDE
- ARTICLE 2 – Representing Bodies of NILDE
- ARTICLE 3 – Validity of the Regulation and its Successive Modifications
NILDE (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange) is a system that allows libraries to request and supply documents via the web. NILDE has as its purpose the development of the interlibrary cooperation in the service of Document Delivery and, for this reason, it intends to promote the reciprocal exchanges between the libraries and to facilitate the spread of uniform quality standards in the distribution of the DD services.
ARTICLE 1 - Terms for Membership to NILDE
Any library, belonging to or is part of a public organization or of a private organization, provided that it is nonprofit or non-commercial, can join NILDE. The terms of membership to NILDE are made public by the Administrator on the site
1.1 Commitments toward the other libraries
Each library commits itself, in addressing the other members:
- To supply DD services reciprocally;
- To make known, to make available and to update its own periodicals catalog by participating in one of the national collective catalogs (ACNP, SBN) or making it searchable through a Meta-OPAC having national coverage (MAI). Libraries that do not already meet this condition should comply by December 2008; libraries that will become members after January 1, 2009, will have a year to comply;
- To fill document requests in as short a time as possible and, in any case, to fill in an average time of 2 working days and within a maximum time of 5 working days from the receipt of the request; in the case in which it is not possible to supply the requested document, to send, within an average time of 2 working days, the relevant unfilled notification, indicating the reasons;
- To send documents free of charge, unless there is a strong imbalance between the number of documents requested and supplied, compensations can be obtained at the end of the year; for this reason, libraries should clearly indicate in the conditions for supplying the amount of strong imbalance and the costs per article that will be requested at the end of the year;
- To distribute fairly its own requests to all the libraries, and, in any case, sending to the same library an average of no more than 3 requests per week and no more than 5 requests maximum per week.
1.2 Compliance with the Copyright Law
Granted that the goal of the exchange of documents is to provide support for scientific research, the libraries pledge themselves to comply with the Copyright Laws in force (Law no. 633 of the 22/4/1941 and successive amendments and supplements) and, where prevailing, to the existing contractual clauses. In particular, but not only:
- To request documents on behalf of their qualified users who will undertake it for exclusive personal use for educational and research purposes;
- To send photocopies of the requested documents or to make temporary digital copy (tiff, pdf) of the same for the one and only purpose of accelerating the transmission process; whereas the utilization of the digital copy, unless the existing contractual clauses do not permit otherwise, remains in every case limited to the sole possibility of making it a single hardcopy;
- Unless the existing contractual clauses do not permit otherwise, to deliver to the user a single paper copy of the document, destroying any digital copy received.
ARTICLE 2 – Representing Bodies of NILDE
NILDE is made up of the following 3 bodies: the Administrator, the Assembly of Subscribers of NILDE (ASN) and the Committee of Libraries of NILDE (CBN).
2.1 The Administrator of NILDE
By the Administrator (Gestore), it is meant the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Biblioteca dell’Area di Ricerca di Bologna (National Research Council, Library of the Bologna Research Area), located on Via Piero Gobetti, 101 - 40129 Bologna, which had conceived and developed the software of NILDEand which, since December 1, 2005, became the Administrator of the Service. The Administrator provides the Service of NILDE in compliance with the terms defined in the Contract signed annually by each library with the same Administrator.
2.2 Assembly of NILDE Subscribers (ASN) NILDE (ASN)
The Assembly of NILDE Subscribers (ASN) is composed of a representative from each subscriber library of the Service of NILDE and has, therefore, a valid account (username and password) in NILDE.
The ASN:
- Elects their representatives in the CBN, as provided for by Art. 2, paragraph 3.1 of the present Regulation;;
- Approves the modifications to the Regulation, according to the terms provided by Art.3;
- Assembles in plenary meetings at least once every 3 years, on the invitation of the CBN.
2.3 Committee of NILDE Libraries (CBN) NILDE (CBN)
2.3.1 Composition of the CBN, Terms for elections and durations Composition of the CBN, Duration and eligibility criteria
The CBN is composed of 14 members, of whom:
- 10 members, elected by the Assembly of Subscribers of NILDE (see Art. 2, paragraph 2), subdivided as: 5 members from the area of the University , 2 from the area of Health, 2 from the area of research entities and 1 from the area of other libraries;
- 2 members, from the Assembly of NILDE Subscriber (ASN), nominated by the Administrator;
- 2 members, representing the Administrator, having advisory power.
The CBN has a triennial term (3 years). Any member of the ASN, who presents his/her candidacy, is eligible to serve in the CBN. Election process
Each member of the ASN conveys a single vote. The elections are conducted online, through electronic voting. The candidates with the most votes, in each area, are declared elected. The CBN, within 3 months of the expiration of its mandate, convenes the elections for the new CBN. The Administrator provides all the necessary tools for the smooth election process of the members of the CBN. Termination and substitution of single members of the CBN
A member of the CBN terminates in the following cases:
- voluntary resignation;
- ailed to renew his/her library’s subscription to NILDE
In the case of termination on the part of one of the members of the CBN, one proceeds to his/her substitution: the first available unelected candidate with the most votes belonging to the same area takes over the post, or, if that is not possible, one will proceed to a new election with candidates belonging to the same area of the terminated member.
2.3.2 Duties of the CBN
The CBN is the guarantor of the well-functioning network of cooperating NILDE libraries and the driving force of its growth. For this reason:
- it acts as the spokesperson for the needs of the libraries;
- It collects information and monitors the applications of Art. 1 of the current Regulation and, in the case of serious and repeated unconforming behaviors, proposes to the Administrator adequate disciplinary measures;
- It develops actions for the monitoring and analysis of the problems, specifying solutions;
- It proposes modifications to Regulation ofNILDE,in concert with the Administrator;
- It convenes the General Meeting of the Assembly of NILDE Subscribers (ASN), atleast once in the period of its mandate;
- It participates actively in the development of the Service ofNILDE, proposing enhancements to the Administrator with regard to the same Service. The Administrator, moreover, communicates to the CBN all the technical modifications adopted by the system ofNILDE, and the projected technical developments;;
- It is informed by the Administrator on the progress of the Service of NILDE, as well as, in relation to the financial and administrative situation;
- It, in concert with the Administator, interests itself in finding financial resources necessary for the Sevice of NILDE;
- It, in concert with the Administrator, interfaces itself with other institutions, in order to broaden the visibility/integration of NILDE with other systems and services, both national and international.
2.3.3 Organization and procedures of operation
The CBN convenes itself at least twice a year. The quorum, for a valid CBN meeting, is equal to the half + 1 of the members having the right to vote.
The CBN decides in regard to the proposals and modifications of the previous subsection 3.2 with atleast a 2/3 favorable opinion of those present.
The Committee designates one of its own as the Coordinator.
The Coordinator convenes the CBN meetings twice a year, and other eventual unscheduled meetings which should be proposed by a qualified majority of the CBN members or on the request of the Administrator; the Coordinator, furthermore, prepares the agenda for the meeting, and writes up the minutes of the meeting with the aid of a member that will act as the secretary, appointed from time to time.
The minutes of the CBN meetings are made public to the Assembly of NILDE Subscribers (ASN)
The Committee can, also, develop its duties by making use of informal working groups, that will be set up, from time to time, on the subject to be elaborated.
ARTICLE 3 – Validity of the Regulation and its Successive Modifications
The proposals to modify the Regulation should be defined by mutual consent between the CBN and the Administrator and then approved in a definitive way by the Assembly of Subscribers (ASN) of NILDE, by means of online voting. Possible modifications should be approved by the start date of the subscription to NILDE for the successive year.
The modifications to the Regulation will consider itself approved with a 50% + 1 of the voters and will have effect from January 1 of the successive year