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What is NILDE Users?

Users Manuals Users Beginners

NILDE (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange) is a web software for document delivery service between libraries.

Over time, a network of libraries (NILDE Community) has grown, willing to share their bibliographic resources in a spirit of collaboration, in order to provide their users with a quality service of document retrieval by using the NILDE software.
Within the NILDE community, libraries exchange documents almost always free of charge, in compliance with copyright law and licensing agreements with publishers.

At present date, about 900 libraries belonging to different nations, institutions and disciplinary fields are part of the NILDE Network, to which almost 70,000 users including researchers, teachers, students, freelancers or ordinary citizens belong. The reference website of the NILDE community of libraries and users is:


NILDE users 

NILDE users is the software interface dedicated to library users. NILDE users offers: 

    • Management of your own bibliography
    • Request of Document Delivery (DD) service to your library
    • Institutional authentication through the Italian Federation IDEM-GARR (

In order to use NILDE, users must first request registration and be enabled for the service at one of the libraries of the NILDE network, the list of which is available here:

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