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Convegno 'Dead or alive? Le frontiere dei servizi bibliotecari nell'era della condivisione: 15 anni della comunità NILDE'

Publication type:
Journal paper
Gasbarro E., Tamburini E.

This paper presents a summary of talks given to the NILDE 2016 Meeting, held in Rome on May 19-20. The focus of the Conference was the impact of the massive development of digital resources, social networks for research (Mendeley, ResearchGate,, Open Access, Google Scholar, and pirate sites such as Bookzz on interlibrary services, together with limitations imposed by the major publishers to interlibrary loan. Librarians should be leading actors of these mutations. How? Learning, communicating and promoting all news of the resource sharing era, and lobbying towards decision makers, becoming guides of this inexorable process.

Published in:
Bibliotime, XIX, luglio