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I cannot access my account. How can I retrieve my credentials?
Coloro che accedono al servizio NILDE attraverso il login tradizionale, possono recuperare la/e credenziale/i dimenticata/e cliccando su Non ricordo i miei dati di accesso! o su Recupero Account in basso a sinistra e compilando i campi username, e-mail e codice visuale di controllo.
Those who access the NILDE service through the traditional login, can retrieve the forgotten credentials by clicking on "Do not remember my login data!" button or on Account Recovery in the lower left and filling the username, email and visual code check fields.
Those who use an institutional access (IDEM-GARR) should apply to their institution.
Authentication credentials are not stored on the NILDE server.
Qualora il recupero Account dia come esito il messaggio di errore “Impossibile recuperare credenziali”, si consiglia di verificare di essere in possesso di account IDEM-GARR, seguendo questa procedura:
If the Account Recovery procedure results in the error message “Unable to retrieve credentials", please verify that you have an IDEM-GARR account, following this procedure:
1) Click on the "IDEM-GARR" button (to the right of the login box, under the inscription "Institutional Login")
2) Choose your institution from the list provided
3) Authenticate yourself on the portal with the institutional credentials (or turn to your institution for the recovery of the same).