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The ALPE database
ALPE is the NILDE "E-journals Licenses Database", a support for the librarian who carries out the Document Delivery service and must operate in accordance with the uses allowed by the publishers.
It contains the terms related to the document delivery service, extracted from the electronic licensing agreements signed by the Italian libraries belonging to NILDE.
ALPE helps librarians to:
- identify the appropriate license agreement in reference to a certain document (article/chapter of book) in electronic format that must be sent to the requesting library;
- identify the valid contract for your institution (upon Login);
- understand the uses allowed by the publisher through a simplified scheme of the permitted uses.
ALPE, through the use of API, is displayed directly in NILDE on the Lending screen by clicking on the Find Licensed* button. Trova Licenze
In the ALPE catalogue are entered the Negotiated licenses and the so-called "standard" licenses.*le licenze negoziate e le licenze cosiddette "standard"
The so-called "standard" licenses are placed in the catalogue by a National Work Group.*Gruppo di Lavoro nazionale
Negotiated licenses are entered directly from consortia or agencies authorized to operate in ALPE.
To find out more: the ALPE project.
To access the ALPE database, click here.