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Forwarding a request (borrowing)

The best use of NILDE Best practice Librarians

To find quickly the requested document, it is important to provide all the information we have.

Before forwarding a request, always check that the bibliographic reference is complete in any field. It should contain:

to request an article:

1 - Journal title
2 - Article title
3 - Author/s (IMPORTANT: The first author should be included in a dedicated field; other authors should be added in the field Other authors)
4 - Date of publication and pages
5 - ISSN

to request a chapter in a book:

1 - Book title
2 - Chapter title
3 - Author/s (IMPORTANT: The first author should be included in a dedicated field; other authors shouldbe added in the field Other authors)
4 - Date of publication and pages
5 - ISBN

If we are not sure about the correctness of the reference or some information are missed, there are many online resources which can help us in funding the missing entries.

Forwarding DD requests with correct and complete bibliographic references will help the lending library in delivering the document more quickly.