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Users Manuals

How to request cancellation of a borrowing request.

How to process a borrowing request, either in the case of a request made by a user, or in the case of a request made manually by the library.

Description of the possible cases of response to a borrowing request and how to receive the requested resource.

Description of the steps necessary to manage a borrowing request, from the arrival to the forwarding of the request to a supplying library.

Description of the steps required to manually enter a new borrowing request from the library.

Description of the steps necessary to identify and apply the terms of the license agreement for the electronic document that you want to send in the lending phase.

Description of the Lending tab and the initial steps required to manage a request.

How to manage registered users of the NILDE service, create and associate an institute/department for each user and export the related data.

Description of the tools available to librarians to monitor the service offered by NILDE: statistics, data export and history of requests.

Description of the Welcome page and of the steps necessary to modify the data of the library.